Sunday 27 May 2012

Those that know me understand clear as crystal that I don’t approve of massive money printing.  I think it is theft, plain and simple, and represents an egregiously deceptive manner of transferring wealth from the poor to the wealthy and from the productive to parasitic financial oligarchs...the public was increasingly making the connection between Central Banking/fiat money and the rise in their cost of living. 
 ...Instead, what has happened is that the global ponzi is completely and totally incapable of holding itself together without consistent and increasingly large infusions of Central Bank money.  The debt burden is too large, the mal-investments too pervasive, the corruption too systemic.  The whole house of cards that is the global economy will vanish into dust rather quickly without more and more printing.  So what do you think they are going to do?....
                                                      ...................... Michael Krieger

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