Thursday 20 September 2012

Turning Into PIIGS: Why France’s Debt Crisis Could Doom the EU

From one ragged country to another. We are on a tour of Europe’s unraveling economies. Ireland…Spain…and now France.

France seems to be hanging by a thread too…

The Telegraph:

Public debt in France is at 86.1pc of GDP (146pc if ECB liabilities and bank guarantees are included). The projected budget deficit this year is 4.5pc, with France having exempted itself from the EU’s instruction to bring deficits down to 3pct by the end of the year.

France’s numbers are not so different from those of the US. But America has a very big bazooka….one that France does not have…at least not yet. The US can give out the word to its central banks to buy its own bonds. It can ‘monetize the debt’ in other words.

This is always a disastrous policy…but that doesn’t make it unpopular. And in a period of debt destruction, the disaster may be far in the future…and it may not be suffered by the people who cause it. But France doesn’t have that option. It has to operate in a more honest system…like the individual US states. Which means, it has to cut spending.

By Bill Bonner

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