Friday 24 August 2012

A Reliable Contrary Indicator for Gold
"A government big enough to give you everything you need is a government strong enough to take everything you have." ~ Thomas Jefferson

Today, I urge you to read the excellent article contributed to Mountain Vision courtesy of our friend Ronald Stoeferle of Erste Group Research in Austria, "Gold Analysts Remain Bearish: A Reliable Contrary Indicator." Many of you have asked us whether we are still positive about gold. The short answer to your question is "yes." We continue to be very positive on gold, and certainly in the medium- to long-term. In this regard, Roland´s article reflects our position very well.

"Financial crises are becoming a common feature of the economic landscape. Despite this new reality, many companies continue to conduct business as usual, with devastating effects when trouble strikes. Executives who do prepare companies when times are good can increase their odds of weathering a financial crisis when it hits - and even position them to prosper in its wake.

By Frank Suess

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