Given the pullback in income growth as well as other economic factors like inflation and a weakened dollar, the retirement age would now have to be raised to 73 for average Americans just to maintain the same standard of living as in the 1940s.
Since the average life expectancy is currently about 78, millions will now have to work until they drop dead, instead of enjoying their golden years.... jobs will be tight, especially for people over 55. So for those seeking job security during the coming crisis, the necessities sector is the place to be.This is composed primarily of healthcare, education, utilities, basic food, basic clothing, and government services.
I'm not a "Gold Bug" by any means. But I know what investments are right for different conditions.
Gold will continue to be a favorite safe haven for countries across the globe.
Right now, only 10 percent of the world's total gold is purchased by the United States.
Which puts us right in line with Turkey.
India currently buys more than 20 percent of the world's gold, China 18 percent, and other countries will increase their stakes in this precious metal as confidence in the U.S. wanes.
But gold is just like any other bubble. It will burst eventually...
But gold is just like any other bubble. It will burst eventually...
After inflation really sets in, you will need to keep cash in short-term investments such as money markets, TIPS, and Treasuries. Their low returns don't exactly make them very attractive, but they will protect you against inflation much better than longer-term debt.
I highly advise our viewers to stay away from long-term bonds.
Let me stress that again. Avoid long-term, government bonds.
.....Bob Wiedemer (author of Aftershock)
The Aftershock Survival Summit Transcription
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