Monday, 20 August 2012

The Quantum of Quantitative Easing Inflation is Coming!

First we saw the US dig out and focus on 4 year old LIBOR manipulation stories centred around the cesspit that goes by the name of Barclays Bank that looks set to devastate all of UK's biggest banks, with the UK tax payer ultimately footing the bailout bill. I have covered this story at length that illustrate that everyone knew about LIBOR manipulation but now pretend that they only found out relatively recently - more here - RBS Chaos and Barclays Libor Cesspit Prompts Slow Motion Run on British Banks

...we have seen more convenient revelations out of the US dating back to 2007 that HSBC, Britain's biggest bank that forces ordinary citizens to jump through hoops to transfer small amounts of currency abroad has been engaged in systematic money laundering for the Mexican drug cartels to the tune $7 billion with potentially far worse across the world as HSBC affiliates apparently did business with rogue nations and terror organisations.The truth is that BOTH stories could equally apply to major U.S. Banks but U.S. politicians are choosing not to investigate / hold them to account.... One possible answer may be found in the records of campaign donations??

So now in the UK, HSBC takes the lead from Barclays as Britains most criminal banking institution, the question is will Barclays fight back for the lead with something even worse? Off course Britain's banks are just a few amongst many that is the global banking mafia crime family. The truth will belatedly come out though the price paid will probably wholly be by tax payers.

Now whilst you should by now be agreeing fully with me that the global banking system is fraudulent and possibly even start to see that the central banks are party to this fraud by evidence of their actions as illustrated by money printing, the whole of which has been effectively funneled into the back pockets of the Bankster elite where in the UK this stands to the tune of £375 billion over 3 years, all aided by pure propaganda that central banks are pumping money into the economy which I have repeatedly illustrated as being a PURE LIE because it has NOT been pumped into the the economy as politicians continually state but into the banks.

The Only Solution Governments have is Inflationary Debt and Money Printing
If the Government / Bank of England wanted to boost the economy then they would have handed over at least some of the money that has been stuffed into the bankster banks to the people of Britain by means of tax refunds. The only reason why they have not done so is because it will be highly inflationary, after all Britain being an economy in depression for the past 4 years has still suffered Inflation of 15% as illustrated by the Inflation Mega-trend graph below -

The inflation mega-trend is something that the mainstream press never mentions ...

The QQE Secret of How to Print Money Without Increasing Debt

This is taking place right now, completely out of the focus of the public and the mainstream press....

QQE is taking place by means of the interest earned on government debt bought by the Bank of England

I am sure this is one secret that the Bank of England wants to keep hidden away for as long as possible for it implies that the ramping up of the Inflation Mega-trend is already underway with approx 1/3rd of Government debt having been effectively cancelled to date! As effectively 1/3rd of the interest the government pays on it's debts is going back to itself! And meamtime about 12% of the value of the debt has been wiped out by inflation (£132 billion) over the past 3.5 years)

This is the magic of the electronic money printing presses and inflation, as one minute the government had £1.1 trillion of debt and then the next minute POOF, it is all gone! A bit like Verbal Kint turning into Kaiser Sozer!

By Nadeem Walayat

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