Monday 13 August 2012

Full Spanish Bailout Will Cost €650bn …………..It’s Impossible !

It’s always absolutely terrific when economic realities start to slaughter political fantasies.
Personally these days I’m placing all my bets on economic realities eventually destroying first the euro monetary union and then second the European Union (EU) itself. The EU will probably have to be destroyed by the direct action of citizens rather than by economics per se (normal democratic arrangements in Europe have been all but snuffed out by the Lisbon Treaty).
Incidentally, where the hell is anyone going to find €650 billion just like that? Let’s be honest, by any measure you care to choose, the euro/EU is unmitigated madness. 

The European Union will almost certainly turn out to have been one of the greatest deceits in history. The citizens of Europe and the UK were never supposed to understand the true intentions of their political elites. But, “oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive …”.
By Moraymint

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